Berikut ini saya berikan beberapa Tutorial, manual, atau bahasan mengenai SDR Radio , mudah-mudahan bermanfaat . JIka ada rekan yang mau menambahkan , bisa dikirim via email = [email protected] , thanks.
- G40 Manual
- Homebrewing a HF Software difined Radio
- SDR Genesis Presentasi by YC1DUR
- Kumpulan Skema SDR Transceiver from Russia
- Micro SDR40 by YD1JJJ
- LMR SDR Transceiver kit 1.1
In furthering the non-profit, educational and informative purpose of the SDR (Software Defined Radio) Users Discussion Group we are pleased to re-publish these important articles:
- A Software-Defined Radio for the Masses, Part 1 ->QEX Jul/Aug 2002, pp. 13-21, This series describes a complete PC-bases, software-defined radio that uses a sound card and an innovative detector circuit.
- A Software-Defined Radio for the Masses, Part 2->QEX Sep/Oct 2002, pp. 10-18
- A Software-Defined Radio for the Masses, Part 3->QEX, Nov/Dec 2002, pp. 27-36
- A Software-Defined Radio for the Masses, Part 4->QEX, Mar/Apr 2003, pp. 20-31